Led wall frame structure

frame structure for led wall

SKU#: 75510

Atomic Pro frame structure for Led Wall installation on the ground

The self-supporting structure of the Atomic Pro enables simplified and rapid installation of any type of Led Wall in a stack configuration. Constructed from steel, the structure is entirely modular and customizable according to the screen size to be assembled.

Engineered to facilitate swift installation by a single operator, the structure can securely accommodate screens up to 5 meters in height.

struttura ledwall strutturaledwall
frame structure for led wall

SKU#: 75510

Atomic Pro frame structure for Led Wall installation on the ground

The self-supporting structure of the Atomic Pro enables simplified and rapid installation of any type of Led Wall in a stack configuration. Constructed from steel, the structure is entirely modular and customizable according to the screen size to be assembled.

Engineered to facilitate swift installation by a single operator, the structure can securely accommodate screens up to 5 meters in height.

struttura ledwall strutturaledwall