Premises., trademark of Sidney Aston SRL, (hereinafter PS) guarantees that its products are free from production defects and malfunctions, which make them unsuitable to the use for which they were designed. This document establishes the only General Conditions of Assistance, Warranty, Returns and Claims, which the PS organization offers to the person who purchases (hereinafter Client). The Customer is required to read these terms and conditions carefully.
- Duration of the Warranty. a) The statutory warranty is valid for 12 months, with the following exceptions: Batteries 6 months (battery only, labor costs not included);
- 1 year spare parts;
- B-stock not applicable;
- Consumable parts not applicable.
- Warranty Provisions. PS guarantees the Customer the products during the Warranty period, the repair or replacement of all parts that are defective in material or workmanship, which cause product malfunction and fail to operate in accordance with PS published specifications. a) The Guarantee is exclusively applicable to the Customer who purchases the products directly from PS. The Warranty right is not assignable or transferable. b) The Guarantee may be valid for a period and under different conditions as possibly indicated in the sales agreement. For anything not explicitly indicated, the terms indicated in this document apply. c) Any repair or replacement of components or of the equipment itself does not extend the duration of the Guarantee period. d) The repair or replacement of the Product or of the recognized defective part does not include removal or re-installation activities, costs or expenses, including, by way of example but not limited to, labor costs and expenses. e) No agent, distributor or reseller is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of the Limited Warranty on behalf of PS. f) If, during the verification of the appliance carried out by the PS Technical Assistance Centre, it should be found that the damage does not fall within the terms of the Warranty, PS will inform the Customer, and the repair will follow the procedure foreseen for the Non-warranty service.
- Forfeiture of the Warranty. The Warranty is void and does not apply in the following cases: a) Products purchased as Used, Exdemo, Open box, not certified as such by PS, or specified "as it is", "as seen and liked", or other written form to indicate a different status than new in the sales contract or in the order confirmation. b) In the event of defects, malfunctions or non-conformities deriving from any cause of force majeure, damage caused during transport, or from any abuse, misuse, abnormal use or use in violation of any standard, code or instructions for use applicable, including, but not limited to, those contained in the latest safety, industry and/or electrical standards for the specific country(ies). c) For all parts of the products which, by their nature or use, are subject to normal wear and tear or inevitable deterioration (lamps, LEDs, assembly mechanisms, fuses, audio membranes, loudspeakers, boilers and pumps for ambient effect machines, etc etc…). d) The Warranty will be deemed null and void if the Product is repaired or modified by any person without being duly authorized in writing by PS. e) Serial Number or product ID not clearly legible. f) The Purchaser loses all rights to the Guarantee if he fails to comply, even once, with the agreed payment conditions. In any case, PS reserves the right to definitively decide on the validity of any Warranty claims.
- Appeal to the Guarantee. a) Appeals to the Guarantee must be reported and sent to the PS offices, filling in the appropriate form and specifying the following information: PS SKU of the damaged product ; Number and date of the transport document and of the sales invoice; Serial Number or Product ID; Detailed description of the problem, number and % of errors, eventual "data code" of the error; Application, operating hours and switching cycles. b) Guarantee requests notified by the Customer to PS after the Guarantee terms have elapsed will not be taken into consideration.
- Fulfillment of the Guarantee.a) If the Guarantee request notified to PS , is deemed Valid, in accordance with the terms of this document and approved in writing, the latter must fulfill the Guarantee, accepting the request for Assistance in writing. b) PS can fulfill the Guarantee in the following ways: 1) if it is believed that the Customer is technically capable of repairing the product, if necessary, with the support of the Technical Support and Assistance Service, it can proceed with sending the parts spare parts needed; 2) if the Customer cannot technically expect to be able to repair the product, PS will have to repair the defective finished products or spare parts. At the unquestionable judgment of PS, if none of the previous remedies is applicable, it is possible to opt for a refund of the net purchase price paid by the Customer for the finished products or for the spare parts recognized as defective, less a reasonable depreciation of the value depending on the use or age of the product.
- Transportation and costs associated with Warranty claims. a) The product or spare parts to be repaired or replaced must be delivered to the operational headquarters of PS, at the Client's expense and risk; b) The product or spare parts repaired or replaced, if the Warranty request is considered valid in accordance with the terms of this document and approved by PS in writing./, will be returned to the Client at PS's expense c) PS may charge to the Customer the costs for the returned Products that are not found to be defective or non-compliant, together with the associated management, verification and transport costs, with a minimum cost of 30 Euros, which can be paid either by bank transfer in advance or by Cash on delivery. d) The receipt of goods, products or spare parts at the PS establishments without authorization cannot be accepted and will be returned to the sender.
- Absence of implied guarantees or other guarantees. a) This Limited Warranty and the remedies contemplated herein constitute the only warranties offered by PS with respect to the Products, in lieu of and to the exclusion of any other Warranty, whether expressed or implied, to the extent permitted by law, including including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. b) These conditions and the terms contained therein establish the maximum amount of liability of PS, its obligations towards the Client, as well as the sole and exclusive remedy available to the Client for Products recognized as defective or non-compliant, remedy to be understood as inclusive and in lieu of further forms of Guarantee or liability, also in derogation of the law, to the extent permitted, and excludes any other form of liability (both contractual and non-contractual) of PS in any case attributable to defects, non-conformity or lack of quality, even if PS has been advised or is aware of such defects.
- Limitations and conditions. a) This is a Limited Warranty and excludes, inter alia other items, installation, means of access to products (scaffolding, hoists, etc.), and special, incidental, and consequential damages (such as, for example, loss of economic profits/loss of income, property damage, or other costs extended not previously mentioned), and is further defined by the limitations and conditions set forth in the relevant Warranty and in these terms and conditions. b) Upon request, the bodies representing PS must have access to the Product, system or application, for a verification of the reported non-conformity. c) PS cannot be held responsible for electrical power conditions, including power peaks, over/under voltage and current control systems that are beyond the specified limits of the products and beyond those defined by specific power standards.
- Returns of goods. a) returns of goods may be accepted only for the following reasons: 1) inversion/surplus: the goods delivered do not correspond to what is stated on the delivery documents; 2) order registration error: there was a transcription, understanding, or typing error for which PS is responsible; 4) order error: the Customer has made an order error. b) returns can only be accepted on condition that the products are: 1) delivered no more than 8 calendar days after the delivery date; 2) of normal production (not to order or to specification) and recognized in the information system with an active code; 3) in their original and intact packaging; 4) in perfect commercial condition. c) in the event of an order error by the purchaser, i.e. not attributable to PS, the Purchaser will be charged an amount equal to 20% of the original sale price and in any case not less than 50 Euros, for administrative charges. However, PS reserves the right not to accept the return, or rather, to apply a higher percentage for administrative charges in the event of goods returned after the deadline indicated above, and/or unconditioned, and/or which are presented in conditions other than new. d) the returned products must be delivered to the PS operational headquarters, at the Purchaser's expense and risk; e) PS reserves the right to evaluate only the returns requested by the Customer through the procedure indicated below; f) any authorization to return is communicated to the Customer upon acceptance; g) any receipt of goods, products or spare parts at the PS establishments without authorization cannot be accepted and will be returned to the sender.
- Right of withdrawal. a ) The right of withdrawal with crediting of the amount paid, is a particular form of guarantee and therefore is subject to all the aforementioned provisions. It can be exercised, within 8 calendar days from the delivery date, for products whose defect is proven attributable to the manufacturing/marketing process, and not to improper use by the Customer or to damage caused by transport.
- Complaints about delivery notes. The Products travel at the Customer's risk and peril even if sold carriage paid. It is therefore the responsibility and responsibility of the recipient to check the condition of the delivered materials and to immediately affix any reservations to the carrier by notifying the PS offices, otherwise the delivered Products will be considered accepted and the Customer will not be entitled to contest faults or defects in the Products. In particular: a) Subject to verification and approval by PS, complaints for non-delivery of packages will be accepted and evaluated only if immediately identified at the time of delivery. b) It is necessary to always check, upon delivery, the number of packages and any visible breakages, which must be recorded at the time of delivery, on the DDT, which must be dated (date of receipt of goods and company stamp) and signed in agreement with the carrier. c) In the event of justified impossibility to proceed with the verification, write the note "SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION", dating (date of receipt of the goods and company stamp) and signing in agreement with the carrier. d) Upon delivery, return a copy of the DDT to the carrier. e) Always send the DDT complete with the above indications, within and no later than 8 calendar days from the delivery date, to the attention of the PS commercial office. f) Complaints that do not comply with the aforementioned procedure will not be accepted. g) Claims of any kind will not be accepted after 8 calendar days from receipt of the goods h) The goods always travel at the risk and peril of the Purchaser even if delivered carriage paid, any claims against the carriers are the responsibility of the Purchaser/Consignee.
- Final provisions. These terms and conditions constitute the indivisible contract between PS and the Client and derogate from any previous communication, representation or Contract between the parties, both written and verbal, relating to the repair service. The possible nullity or ineffectiveness of a clause of these general conditions, for whatever reason this occurs, will not determine the invalidity of these general conditions in their entirety.
- Applicable law, competent court and language . All sales contracts entered into by PS, regardless of the Client's nationality and the place of destination of the Products, are governed by Italian legislation or, at PS's choice, by the law of the place where the Client is based or PS headquarters. The application of the Vienna Convention on international contracts for the sale of goods of 11 April 1980 and other applicable Conventions on international sales and regulating the conflict between laws is expressly excluded. Any dispute that may arise between the Parties is attributed to the Italian jurisdiction and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court where PS is based, without prejudice to PS's right to bring the action where the Client has his domicile or residence. If the General Conditions are drafted in several languages, the Italian text will prevail.
Request assistance and warranty
To use the services of Assistance and Warranty, the Customer is required to inform PS by writing to, indicating the product and describing the anomalies found ( it is always advisable to consult the product instruction manual in advance). This first finding allows most of the supposed faults to be resolved.
In the event that the problem persists, Customers can contact the retailer from whom the product was purchased, or in the event of difficulty directly to the Centre. PS Technical Assistance.
The return must be made by following the instructions below, taking care to read the General Assistance and Warranty Conditions in advance.
Procedure for sending request
To take advantage of the After-sales services, the Customer must:
- Write an email with the information given in the previous paragraph:
- The assistance service will evaluate the request and will give response via e-mail.
- In the case of acceptance, the authorization will be communicated in the same e-mail;
- The shipment must be accompanied by your Transport Document (which must be anticipated via mail);
- The products must arrive in a single solution at our warehouse within 15 days from the date of authorization.
- The material received without documents, with unsuitable or damaged packaging it will not be uploaded to the repair/return system.